HubSpot Portal Migration Suite
Easily migrate, replicate, and sync HubSpot data and schemas between HubSpot accounts.

Powerful Tools
Active App Installs
1 Million+
Records Processed Daily
Option 1
HubSpot to HubSpot Portal Migrator
Starting at $599
Our self-service HubSpot to HubSpot Portal Migrator App automatically migrates your HubSpot data from a source portal to a destination portal. The data in the source portal remains untouched.
Customize your migration run, filter data based on Business Units and Pipelines, migrate specific properties and property groups.
No field mapping required.
No need for you to manually create properties in the destination portal.
The app automatically takes care of everything required for moving your data from an existing HubSpot portal to another existing or new portal.
If you are trying to migrate data from one or multiple HubSpot portals into a new or existing HubSpot portal, this app is for you.
What HubSpot data is migrated?
The following data can be migrated from your Source Portal into your Destination portal:
- Workflows
- Business Unit Assignment
- Marketing Emails
- Contacts
- Companies
- Leads
- Deals
- Deal Splits
- Tickets
- Custom Objects
- Pipelines
- Owners/Users (Does not consume a license)
- Engagements (Meetings, Tasks, Notes, Calls, Emails, SMS, Postal Mail)
- Custom Properties for all Objects
- Lists
- Forms (Schema Only)
- Associations between all records and Custom Association Labels
- Line Items/Products
- Files/Attachments
- Currencies
The HubSpot to HubSpot Portal Migrator is a certified app in the HubSpot App Marketplace.

Book time with a Hubspot migrations expert to learn more

Option 2
HubSpot Schema Replicator
Free 14 Day Trial
Our Self-Service HubSpot Schema Replicator copies your HubSpot Schema/Setup from one portal to another. This version of our HubSpot Portal Migration application does not migrate data. It only copies the schema of your HubSpot from one portal to another.
An example of a Schema in HubSpot would be all of your Contact Properties, but not your contact records. With the HubSpot Schema Replicator you are able to copy your HubSpot Properties and settings from one portal to another with just a few clicks.
If you are trying to copy schemas such as workflows, properties, and pipelines from one portal to another without the need to move data, such as contact records. This version of the app is for you.
What HubSpot Schemas can be copied?
Our Schema Replication service can copy the following Schemas from one HubSpot portal into another:
- Workflows
- Folders
- Company Properties
- Contact Properties
- Lead Properties
- Lead Pipeline/Stages
- Deal Pipeline/Stages
- Deal Properties
- Line Item Properties
- Ticket Pipeline/Stages
- Ticket Properties
- Forms (Schema Only)
- Custom Objects and Properties
- Association Labels
- Engagement Properties
- Currencies
The HubSpot Schema Replicator is great for setting up a development environment or making implementations more efficient.
HubSpot Partner? Sandbox User? Integration Testing?
the Portal Toolkit is for you.
Option 3
HubSpot Portal Toolkit
From $399/mo
Billed Annually
The HubSpot Portal Toolkit is a comprehensive solution for migrating, cloning, and staging your data in HubSpot.
It is an advanced and upgraded unlimited use version of our Migrator Suite of tools. Perfect for Enterprise Customers and HubSpot Partners with complex HubSpot data needs.
Perform Data Migrations, Merge portals, Create Change sets to deploy later, Test apps, QA and QC changes in a sandbox. The possibilities are endless.
The app automatically takes care of everything required for moving your data from one portal to another. It works with Production accounts, Sandboxes, and Developer accounts.
If you are an enterprise HubSpot Customer or HubSpot partner that needs to move data, properties, workflows, and schemas from one HubSpot portal to another on a recurring basis. This is the version for you.
What else can the Portal Toolkit do?
The HubSpot Portal Toolkit is an upgraded unlimited use version of the HubSpot to HubSpot Migrator suite of apps.
The app is able to perform unlimited advanced migrations on demand. With the following filtering available to meet your needs:
- A fully customizable migration schema.
- Create, Name, Save, and push change sets on demand.
- Business Units filtering and assignment.
- Deal Pipeline selection and filtering.
- Filter and migrate specific properties and property groups for objects.
- Form filtering
- Lists Filtering
- Workflow Filtering
- Custom Objects data, schema migration and filtering.
- And more…
The Portal Toolkit is a perfect for Enterprise HubSpot Customers and HubSpot Partners.

Got Questions? Lets Chat.

Option 4
Portal Sync
From $399/mo
Volume Discounting Available
Portal Sync allows for the continuous sync of data between multiple HubSpot Portals.
Share Leads, Sync deals, push data from multiple portals into a master portal. The possibilities are endless. Control the sync with our Selective Sync technology or enroll all records for synchronization. Select which records are enrolled from your source portal inside of HubSpot manually or with automations.
If you need to automatically push HubSpot data between portals on a recurring basis this version is for you.
What can Portal Sync synchronize between portals?
Portal Sync can automatically sync the following schemas and data between multiple HubSpot portals on a recurring basis:
- Business Units
- Contacts
- Companies
- Leads
- Lists
- Custom Objects
- Custom Object Pipelines
- Custom Properties for all Objects
- Deals
- Deal Splits
- Deal Pipelines
- Forms (Schema Only)
- Line Items/Products
- Engagements (Meetings, Tasks, Notes, Calls, Emails, SMS, Postal Mail)
- Owners/Users (Doesn’t consume a license)
- Tickets
- Ticket Pipelines
- Attachments
- Currencies
- Associations between all records
Push and Sync data between multiple HubSpot Portals using Portal Sync.